procreate tips & tutorials

paint a mountain landscape in procreate
Paint a moonlit mountain watercolor landscape in Procreate.

record your work!
Procreate lets you record a video time-lapse record of your work. You should, and here’s why, plus how to do it the right way.

the one procreate setting you should definitely change
When you first open Procreate, this is the one setting you should change immediately. I promise you, this will change your digital art life!
free stuff!
free stuff!
free stuff!
Free stuff is a good thing. That’s my motto, anyway. I have a bunch of great things for you, including free Procreate brushes, paper textures, color palettes, reference photos for inspiration, and more when you sign up for the Birch Grove. No spam, just free stuff, and the occasional email when I post a new tutorial.